Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000292_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Sun Nov 30 02:11:47 1997.msg
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From: Robert Bankston <rbanksto@whale.st.usm.edu>
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Subject: Bad problems with Amos
To: amos-list@access.digex.net (Amos List)
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 00:00:36 -0600 (CST)
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I've recently developed a bad problem and I need some advice/help. I had
AmosPro V2.something installed on my hard drive (I had it updated from the
older version) but about a week or so ago I irretrievably lost my data
(disksalv won't even bring it back) from my HD. I've now tried to go back
and use the original disks but they won't work. After originally
installing Amos, I put the original disks (system, compiler, updater, etc)
away in a safe place and didn't ever touch or use them. All updates were
performed on the HD or on floppy copies, not the originals but now I can't
get them to work. Whenever I try to start AmosPro from the system disk
it says:
Cannot read system files: check APSystem folder
I've tried to perform the V2 update on a copy of the system disk and it
gets about halfway through and gives an error saying that it couldn't
complete the process. Here is a listing of the APSystem folder for the
original system disk:
Directory "df0:apsystem" on Saturday 29-Nov-97
AMOSPro_Monitor_Resource.Abk 13946 ----rwed 31-Mar-93 15:43:52
AMOSPro_Editor_Samples.Abk 44476 ----rwed 31-Mar-93 15:43:33
AMOSPro_Default.Font 2048 ----rwed 31-Mar-93 15:43:41
AMOSPro_Editor_Macros 12 ----rwed 31-Mar-93 15:43:27
AMOSPro_Default_Resource.Abk 8536 ----rwed 31-Mar-93 15:43:37
AMOSPro_Editor_Config 18736 ----rwed 25-May-96 11:05:52
AMOSPro_Mouse.Abk 2224 ----rwed 31-Mar-93 15:43:45
AMOSPro_Monitor 11872 ----rwed 31-Mar-93 15:43:49
AMOSPro_Music.Lib 12952 ----rwed 31-Mar-93 15:43:59
AMOSPro_Editor 34508 ----rwed 31-Mar-93 15:43:16
AMOSPro_Request.Lib 4632 ----rwed 31-Mar-93 15:43:56
AMOSPro_Editor_Resource.Abk 21500 ----rwed 31-Mar-93 15:43:23
Def_Icon.info 2901 ----rwed 31-Mar-93 15:43:47
AMOSPro_Compact.Lib 1880 ----rwed 31-Mar-93 15:43:54
AMOSPro_IoPorts.Lib 3524 ----rwed 31-Mar-93 15:44:03 15 files -
382 blocks used
For some odd reason I can run the compiler from the disk without any
problems at all but using the system disk or the updater disk don't work.
Here is a listing of the APSystem for the compiler disk.
Directory "df0:apsystem" on Saturday 29-Nov-97
AMOSPro.Lib 98184 ----rwed 19-Jun-93 22:52:36
AMOSPro_Compact.Lib 1540 ----rwed 19-Jun-93 22:52:38
AMOSPro_Request.Lib 264 ----rwed 19-Jun-93 22:52:38
AMOSPro_Music.Lib 12712 ----rwed 19-Jun-93 22:52:41
AMOSPro_IOPorts.Lib 3680 ----rwed 19-Jun-93 22:52:43
AMOSPro_Compiler.Lib 3952 ----rwed 19-Jun-93 22:52:44
Compiler.Lib 29276 ----rwed 19-Jun-93 22:52:49
APCmp 29528 ----rwed 19-Jun-93 22:52:54
Header_CLI.Lib 2928 ----rwed 19-Jun-93 22:52:56
Header_Backstart.Lib 3436 ----rwed 19-Jun-93 22:52:56
Header_AMOS.AMOS 186 ----rwed 19-Jun-93 22:52:56
Def_Compiled.info 1122 ----rwed 19-Jun-93 22:52:57
AMOSPro_Default_Resource.Abk 9302 ----rwed 19-Jun-93 22:53:01
AMOSPro_CompilerA_Resource.Abk 10216 ----rwed 19-Jun-93 22:53:03
AMOSPro_Editor_Config 18776 ----rwed 19-Jun-93 22:53:07
Locate_APSystem.info 2682 ----rwed 19-Jun-93 22:53:10
Locate_APSystem 20916 ----rwed 19-Jun-93 22:53:14
17 files - 511 blocks used
Does anyone have a clue as to why this is giving me so many problems?
BTW I've tried disabling the HD and booting from the original floppy
system disk and AmosPro won't load at all. Anyone got any suggestions?
Thanks a million.